A screen capture of the Central Ohio Rocketry & Spacemodeling Alliance on the NAR Club Locator page.
Our charter application has been accepted and approved by the National Association of Rocketry. Isn’t that great?! Sure! Exactly what does that mean to you though?
If you’re a land owner or land operator interested in supporting rocketry by allowing your lands to be used as a launch range, we can offer insurance to you through our NAR charter. NAR members may choose to join CORSA with the assurance that we uphold and maintain the same level of quality and safety as NAR. HPR NAR members can be assured the section will keep and maintain an FAA waiver for our launch ranges (when we secure them). You know your competition points will count when you participate in our NAR sanctioned competitions. Last, you know you’ll be connected with other NAR members and not a bunch of flash-bang rocket locos.
We will take our responsibility to the central Ohio community seriously, offering support to NAR partner organizations like Team America Rocketry Challenge teams, 4-H and the Civil Air Patrol. We’re dedicated to the spread of rocketry through education and launch support for civic clubs and non-profit youth organizations such as Girl Scouts, and Boy Scouts. Last but certainly not least we’re here to provide NAR quality guidance and support to individuals regardless if you’re just starting out in rocketry or a long-timer, short-timer or BAR looking to get involved again.
We are grateful to NAR for allowing us to be a chartered section and look forward to the opportunity to carry out the NAR mission in central Ohio.