January 2018 Meeting

Otterbein University Physics Department Science Building Room 204 155 W. Main Street, Westerville, OH, United States

January Launch – SCRUBBED

Freedom Park 890, 934 OH-61, Sunbury, OH, United States

Due to the bleak, windy, rainy forecast, we've scrubbed the January launch.

Club Meeting

Otterbein University Physics Department Science Building Room 204 155 W. Main Street, Westerville, OH, United States

Discuss construction techniques, plan launches, and carry on club business.

February Launch – SCRUBBED!

Freedom Park 890, 934 OH-61, Sunbury, OH, United States

  With Ohio winter weather, it's not surprising that field conditions at Freedom Park are not satisfactory for a launch, so February's launch is canceled. We'll try again in March!

March Launch

Freedom Park 890, 934 OH-61, Sunbury, OH, United States

Because of the predicted icy roads, we're delaying our usual start by an hour. We’ll begin setting up at 11:00, and be ready to fly at noon. Freedom Park is a great field for small rockets, marginally big enough for “D” motors. Bring your model rockets and fly with us! … Continue...

April Launch

Freedom Park 890, 934 OH-61, Sunbury, OH, United States

We'll start setting up at 10:00, and be ready to launch by 11:00. We'll welcome the Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol, who plan to attend. Bring your rockets and come fly with us, or just stop by to watch! We'll have motors available, and some … Continue...

Columbus Clippers Space Weekend

Huntington Park 330 Huntington Park Ln, Columbus, OH, United States

CORSA will have an exhibit at the Columbus Clippers' Space Weekend. Stop by and visit! We'll answer your questions about hobby rocketry.

Columbus Clippers Space Weekend

Huntington Park 330 Huntington Park Ln, Columbus, OH, United States

CORSA will have an exhibit at the Columbus Clippers' Space Weekend. Stop by and visit! We'll answer your questions about hobby rocketry.

Club Meeting

Otterbein University Physics Department Science Building Room 204 155 W. Main Street, Westerville, OH, United States

Club meetings are the second Tuesday each month, at the Otterbein University Physics Department, room 204. We wrap up club business by about 8:00, but lively discussions of rocketry, modeling, and space exploration usually continue until 9:00.

May Launch – SCRUBBED

Freedom Park 890, 934 OH-61, Sunbury, OH, United States

We've scrubbed the May launch due to a high likelihood of thunderstorms.

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