April Meeting – REMOTE ONLY!

Otterbein University Physics Department Science Building Room 204 155 W. Main Street, Westerville, OH, United States

We will send a link for the virtual meeting by 6:30. If you are not on out CORSA members mailing list, send an email to "director @ centralohiorocketry.org", and I'll include you! CORSA members get together to discuss model rocketry and plan future events. Bring questions, curiosity, or kits you’re working … Continue...

Cub Scout Pack 701 Launch – SCRUBBED

Freedom Park 890, 934 OH-61, Sunbury, OH, United States

100% chance of rain - we'll work out an alternate launch. Stay tuned! We are pleased and proud to once again launch rockets with Cub Scout Pack 701!  This has always been a fun group of scouts, and a great group to work with. We will begin setup at 3:00, … Continue...

November Launch – scrubbed

Freedom Park 890, 934 OH-61, Sunbury, OH, United States

Due to the pandemic status, the November 21 launch is cancelled. Come join us for our monthly model rocket launch! We’ll meet at the storage site at 9:30, start setup at Freedom Park at 10:00, and be ready to launch by 11:00. Try to bring a table for your rocket … Continue...

December Launch

Freedom Park 890, 934 OH-61, Sunbury, OH, United States

Come join us for our monthly model rocket launch! We’ll meet at the storage site at 9:30, start setup at Freedom Park at 10:00, and be ready to launch by 11:00. Try to bring a table for your rocket flight prep, the club space in the tent is getting too … Continue...

March Launch is a GO!

Freedom Park 890, 934 OH-61, Sunbury, OH, United States

Come join us for our March model rocket launch! It looks like pretty good weather. It's going to be a bit chilly, so we'll start an hour later than usual - we’ll meet at the storage site at10:30, start setup at Freedom Park at 11:00, and be ready to launch … Continue...

April Launch

Freedom Park 890, 934 OH-61, Sunbury, OH, United States

Come join us for our monthly model rocket launch! We’ll meet at the storage site at 9:30, start setup at Freedom Park at 10:00, and be ready to launch by 11:00. Everyone will be required to wear face masks covering mouth and nose when in the launch prep and control … Continue...

August Launch – Cub Scout Pack 3332

Freedom Park 890, 934 OH-61, Sunbury, OH, United States

Come join us for our monthly model rocket launch! We'll be supporting Cub Scout Pack 3332, and the starting time has yet to be determined. We plan to launch our own rockets before and/or after the Scout event, so non-Scouts will be welcome to come fly too. Face masks will … Continue...

Rain Date – August Launch – Cub Scout Pack 3332

Freedom Park 890, 934 OH-61, Sunbury, OH, United States

If the weather on 7/21 does not permit, we will reschedule for 8/28. We'll be supporting Cub Scout Pack 3332, and the starting time has yet to be determined. We plan to launch our own rockets before and/or after the Scout event, so non-Scouts will be welcome to come fly … Continue...

Wright Stuff Rocketeers Day/Night launch

WSR Federal Road 5995 Federal Rd, Cedarville, OH, United States

CORSA has elected to forego our own launch in November (it would be nearly on top of Thanksgiving), and instead visit a nearby High Power Rocketry launch. The TMO launch has been cancelled, but Wright Stuff Rocketeers has a fun event planned - a daytime and a nighttime launch on Saturday, … Continue...

Wright Stuff Rocketeers Launch

WSR Federal Road 5995 Federal Rd, Cedarville, OH, United States

CORSA has elected to forego our own launch in November (it would be nearly on top of Thanksgiving), and instead visit a nearby High Power Rocketry launch. On November 13, Wright Stuff Rocketeers, NAR section 703, has a launch scheduled. They'll be launching small low power (LPR) model rockets, mid-power … Continue...

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