March Launch

Freedom Park 890, 934 OH-61, Sunbury, OH, United States

Springtime will be right around the corner - a great time to come fly rockets with us! Our normal setup starts at 10:00, with launches starting at 11:00, but we may adjust that to suit the weather. If weather forces us to cancel, we’ll post that information here by the … Continue...

May Meeting

Otterbein University Physics Department Science Building Room 204 155 W. Main Street, Westerville, OH, United States

Our meetings are the second Tuesday of each month at Otterbein University. Come and learn about model rocketry, launch range operations, and model craftsmanship. We love having visitors, so come and join us for a great evening of smart discussion and demonstration!

May Launch

Freedom Park 890, 934 OH-61, Sunbury, OH, United States

Our normal launch schedule is for the third Saturday of each month. We start setup at 10:00, and will be ready to launch at 11:00. We'll continue until about 2:00. Come join the fun!

June Meeting

Otterbein University Physics Department Science Building Room 204 155 W. Main Street, Westerville, OH, United States

Our regular monthly meeting is on the second Tuesday of each month.

June Launch

Freedom Park 890, 934 OH-61, Sunbury, OH, United States

Setup starts at 10:00, launching starting at 11:00. Come for the fun!

July Meeting

Otterbein University Physics Department Science Building Room 204 155 W. Main Street, Westerville, OH, United States

In our July meeting, we'll discuss plans for our upcoming presentations and launches, as well as the impending National Association of Rocketry’s Annual Meet, NARAM - 61. Bring questions, curiosity, or kits you're working on. We look forward to seeing you there!

Ostrander Library Presentation

Ostrander Public Library 75 N. Fourth St, Ostrander, OH, United States

This year's summer reading program at the Ostrander branch of the Delaware County Library is "Universe of Stories". CORSA will be there making a presentation about the fun and science of model rocketry. We'll have a display of some of our rockets, from the small (a few inches tall) to … Continue...

UA Build Session

Upper Arlington Library 2800 Tremont Rd, Upper Arlington, OH, United States

We'll be at the Upper Arlington Library for a build session with their summer reading program. Come build a rocket, and we'll fly it the next week at Northam Park.

July Launch – Apollo 11 Commemoration

Freedom Park 890, 934 OH-61, Sunbury, OH, United States

July 20 is the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11's moon landing, and so CORSA is commemorating that with a special launch, featuring several Saturn V model launches. Join us for a great time!

Upper Arlington Library Launch

Northam Park 2070 Northam Rd, Upper Arlington, OH, United States

The Upper Arlington Library summer reading program includes a rocket building session on 7/16. We'll be launching those rockets at Northam Park. Come and share in the fun!

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