September meeting

Otterbein University Physics Department Science Building Room 204 155 W. Main Street, Westerville, OH, United States

Join us for our monthly meeting! Bring a kit to work on - we'll spend the first hour of our time as a build session, with normal business discussion (mostly)  held until 7:30.

September Launch

Freedom Park 890, 934 OH-61, Sunbury, OH, United States

Join us to launch your rockets, or just to watch. We'll answer your questions, and demonstrate model rocketry. Freedom Park is big enough for "D" motors - if the wind is light. We're starting an hour early, so we can watch the Space Balloon launch! We'll start setting up at … Continue...

October Meeting

Otterbein University Physics Department Science Building Room 204 155 W. Main Street, Westerville, OH, United States

Join us for our monthly meeting, as we plan future activities, and share tips and techniques. Bring a kit to work on – we’ll spend the first hour of our time as a build session, with normal business discussion (mostly)  held until 7:30.

October Launch -SCRUBBED

Freedom Park 890, 934 OH-61, Sunbury, OH, United States

Alas, unpredictable as Ohio weather is, it has been pretty reliably uncooperative on the third Saturday of most months this year! Try us again in November!  

November Launch

Freedom Park 890, 934 OH-61, Sunbury, OH, United States

We'll set up at 11:00, and be ready to fly by noon. It'll be cold, but that won't stop us. Launch is a GO! Email me if you are thinking about attending! Director@

December Meeting

Otterbein University Physics Department Science Building Room 204 155 W. Main Street, Westerville, OH, United States

Join us at our last meeting of 2018! We'll spend some time building rockets and sharing construction tips, as well as discussing hobby rocketry.  

December Launch – SCRUBBED

Freedom Park 890, 934 OH-61, Sunbury, OH, United States

The field is muddy, and the rain Saturday looks certain. So, we'll try again in January. Have a great holiday season!

January Meeting

Otterbein University Physics Department Science Building Room 204 155 W. Main Street, Westerville, OH, United States

Come build and talk about rockets with us! We meet at Otterbein University in Westerville, and gladly welcome visitors! Contact us if you have any questions:

January Launch – SCRUBBED

Freedom Park 890, 934 OH-61, Sunbury, OH, United States

Once again, the weather is forcing a scrub. Falling snow Saturday will prevent us from being able to launch. Perhaps we can use the time to build new rockets! Director@

February Launch – SCRUBBED

Freedom Park 890, 934 OH-61, Sunbury, OH, United States

Once again, we are forced to scrub our scheduled launch. Field conditions at Freedom Park are too wet to allow us to set up on the field, so we must wait for March.  

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