Presentation to Cub Scout Troop 701

Cub Scout Troop 701.

By – Ed Hingsbergen NAR 71396

On September 14, Lloyd and I attended a meeting of Sunbury Cub Scout Troop 701. Lloyd gave an energetic presentation of an introduction to model rocketry. He described what does and does not constitute a model rocket,and talked about the forces at work on a rocket in flight. He also explained the model rocket safety code, and how observing it leads to a remarkably safe and exciting hobby.

Lloyd N. NAR #97987 explains what a shock cord is & why it's important.

Lloyd N. NAR #97987 explains what a shock cord is & why it’s important.

The Scouts were attentive and engrossed, and full of questions. After the presentation, they were anxious to get a close look at the rockets Lloyd had brought, and learn all that they could. Lloyd and I enjoyed the opportunity to work with the Cub Scouts, and look forward to working with them at their launch planned for September 27.

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