The September CORSA launch forecast was pretty good. But as soon as we got the launch site set up, the skies opened with rain. We took shelter in our tent, talked rockets, and watched the skies. After about an hour, our hopes were fading. But the rain did ease, and we thought we might at least get a few launches off before we succumbed. We quickly prepped and flew a few rockets during what looked like it would be a brief lull. But the rain didn’t start again. We didn’t have a huge turnout, but we had a great day.
Our next launch was a special launch. Cub Scout Pack 701 joined us on a day whose forecast was pretty marginal. We hoped for the best, and set up our launch site. We got rained on a few times – but we protected out gear and rocket fleets. The Scouts and their families had a great spirit, undamped by the rain, and patiently waited out a few interruptions. It paid off big time; we launched 65 times!
Thank you Pack 701 – we had a great day working with you!